How to Grow Your Brain

Did you know that it’s possible to actually grow your brain? Isn’t this great?! This is due to processes such as neurogenesis, synaptogenesis, angiogenesis, myelination, and neuroplasticity. Neurogenesis is the brains ability to grow new neurons, synaptogenesis is the brains ability to form new synapses, angiogenesis is the brains ability to create new blood vessels in your brain, and myelination is the improvement of your brains fatty coating (myelin) of your neurons highway which helps deliver messages down your brains highway faster. Neuroplasticity is your brains ability to grow and heal through experience when there is a need to adapt. By undertaking various activities, and maintaining healthy nutritional levels, you actually have the ability to grow and improve your brain. Different activities will help to develop the different areas of your brain.



To increase synaptogenesis, you should look to learn a new skill such as cooking, learning a language, learning to play an instrument, or just learning something else that’s new to you. Another way to increase synaptogenesis is to practice doing something on a regular basis that you already know how to do, after all practice makes perfect. These activities will help to strengthen your current synapses and help you to grow new ones, thus increasing your brains volume.



To improve myelination, consume Omega 3 fatty acids which promote the myelin expression in your brain. If consuming large amounts of fish such as salmon or sardines is not for you, then you can take an Omega 3 supplement or eat walnuts which are high in Omega 3’s.



To increase angiogenesis, you will need to undertake some form of vigorous exercise and if you’re not already then you should add some to your routine. Exercise such as aerobics, weight training, yoga, Pilates, tai chi, and dancing have been proven to be beneficial to growing your brain. Exercise also increases your brains fertilizer, so it’s a win win. Exercise and your brain grows.



The best way to boost neurogenesis is to carry out activities that boost synaptogenesis, angiogenesis and eat food or take supplements that boost your Omega 3 fatty acids. Doing all of this will give your brain the best opportunity to be able to grow, and be healthy, helping it serve you the best it possibly can.



To boost neuroplasticity, you can play video games such as 3D adventures, puzzles and rhythm games. You can also learn a new language, make some music, exercise, travel or do some art. All these activities can help to boost neuroplasticity and help your brain grow, heal and adapt.


Sleep is also important to help to grow your brain and you should aim for 7-8 hours a day, having a bedtime routine can help your body know when it’s sleep time. Too much stimulation before bed such as through consuming caffeine or looking at an electronic screen can be detrimental to your sleep quality and length. Sleeping helps your brain to learn and process information. It also is your best time to drain toxins and heal from previous activities. Your sleeping space should be tidy, cleared of clutter, comfortable, have minimal electronic devices and be dark as possible to get the best quality sleep.


Hope this article has helped you discover ways that you can actually grow your brain.


Good luck on your journey to grow your brain, all the best and remember to have fun.